Legs Misérables

Running for charity

Legs Misérables

This article was published originally on JordanRunner's RunJordanRun blog.

This blog has been nagging at me from the corners of my mind for quite a long time now. I had originally intended to write something here routinely, every week possibly. I laugh at the idea now. I’ve got 3 kids under the age of 5, one with special healthcare needs, and my wife and I both work full time. The only true “free” time we have is when the kids are in bed. So, an hour each night? Of course, there is time over the weekend when one of us is “free” to do something while the other is playing referee for the JordanFamily Wrestling Federation. I just haven’t been able to justify writing while she is in the other room breaking up the battle between Spiderman and Jafar. However, I’ve realized that I need to write. Something. Anything. Today, just a few words about this website and the direction I’m thinking of going.

Over the last few months or so I’ve thought a lot about my running and charity fundraising, and how this website can be used as a platform for them. What are reasonable goals? How should I focus my time and energy on them? Should I maintain personal privacy or open up more? I have several big ideas I’m going to pursue, but I’m not sure when I will be able to, or which will take priority.

Most relevant for now is that I plan to use this website to promote specific charities. RunJordanRun was initially created because I was asked to raise money for St. Jude Children’s Hospital while running Disney’s Wine & Dine 2-Course Challenge in November. Within a day we had met our goal of raising $2,000! I was so encouraged by this that I started to think about fundraising in some ongoing way, perhaps once or twice a year. So, last month I started my second fundraiser. Read about it here: Autism Speaks.

This website will also be used for my own personal blog. The purpose will be to share my journey as a runner with you, hopefully inspiring you to get out and run or walk more yourself. Perhaps you will even learn to love it like I do. If nothing else, I will share my recent experiences with some commentary on meeting my goals, or in many cases falling short. I’m calling this my Legs Misérables blog.

Well, that’s it for now, but soon I will be sharing some more fundraising ideas I have. Stay tuned!

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